Re: Request for discussion.

Silicon Avatar (
Thu, 9 Feb 1995 14:49:59 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 8 Feb 1995, Casper Dik wrote:

> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> >Not if "Real OS(tm)" == Linux. (which of course has the best procfs money can't
> >> >buy).
> >> >
> >> 
> >> Which is why Linux procfs has tons of security holes.
> >> 
> >> Casper
> >> 
> >
> >Such as?
> Hm, they seem to be fix now.  In early rleases the permissions
> of the fd and cd and exec files weren't right.
> Now it uses some ugly hack that looks like the modes on the symlink
> are 700 (lrwx------)  which only seems to work on the funny symlinks
> under /proc.
> Hm, it just occured to me that, as root, hijackling connections under Linux
> is real simple, you just open the right /proc/pid/fd/<num>

Indeed ... I don't think there really is a lack of root-able ways of getting
*anything* hijacked or somesuch on *any* machine, regardless of procfs usage
or not :)

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